Strong International Machinima Team

Monday, May 9th, 2011 | Common | 3 Comments

While L2L is edited – we are in the rough cut phase- the awesome Machinima team is working 24/7 on the inworld wow/sl clips. I am proud to say that on the World of Warcraft side we have three great machinimators in charge. Of course you should already know the French Olibith who is already part of our documentary. Then the Finish Baron Soosdoon joined the team. And last but not least Kilh (Daniel Ritthanondh )the German machinimator enhances the WoW side.

In SL I can proudly present the German Californian Draxtor Despres (Bernhard Drax) and his talented colleague Gianna Borgnine from the East Coast. So we try all our best to accerlate the storytelling in L2L. With this team we manover towards the end of production of our documentary. Less than two month to go. GOGOGOGOGOGO…..

Olibith is kicking his own ass

Draxtor’s ‘what am I doing right now’ video

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RPC 2010

Friday, August 6th, 2010 | Backstage, Cast, Common, Team | Comments Off

RPC 2010 LARP rox

The bad volcanic cloud was almost responsible for the cancellation of the camera test in Cologne. Not only me but also Thomas Bengtsson an Mark Laursen from Ensidia couldn’t catch their flight. But I was the lucky one to get the last seat in a train to Cologne, so after a hot 8 hours 35° train ride I was able to join Liq and Protec from Ensidia at the RPC 2010. I was very happy to drink a cold beer with Hans after the odyssey. My Intention was to shoot Ensidia while  showraiding at the Buffed booth and test my new 5D Mark II camera setup. After few attempts Ensidia managed to kill the Lich King. Thus satisfying hundreds of spectators arround the buffed booth. It was a pity that Nessay and Kungen couldn’t join me but nevertheless it was a very nice experience to see the colorful community of roleplay @ the RPC (digital and analogue representatives) . Especially the LARP fans are very photogenic like you can see in the posted media.

After two days of shooting elves, orcs, jaggers, stromtroopers, raiders and interviews with Liq, Protec, Bernd Holtmann, Tyrania and many more I left the spot again in a crowded train to Vienna. The next trip was scheduled to Copenhagen and Gothenburg where I should shoot the private side of Thomas Bengtsson the most famous WoW player of all time. BTW: If you want to check out the German ZDF Blog entry in which I already write about the experience with our Swedish celebrity then go here. In few days you’ll find a short impressions clip and more pics of the RPC here. Be sure to revisit.

Thomas and his Gothenburg

Post edit: Here our cameratest.

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ZDF Special Award for LOGIN 2 LIFE

Monday, December 21st, 2009 | Backstage, Cast, Common, Development, Team | 2 Comments

Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

It was cold and snowy when we arrived in Berlin on Friday last week. I was very lucky to leave work behind and go for a short vacation. That is why Berlin seemed warm and lovely to me, but for sure I was excited about the upcoming ‘ceremony’. Like the other 24 finalists of the ZDF online proposal I was invited to Berlin last Saturday. It was a pleasant atmosphere in the ‘Haus der Kulturen der Welt’ (HKW) between the Brandenburger Tor and the famous Tiergarten (I mean that there was no biting and scratching between the filmakers .-). All the attendants eagerly wanted  to know if their projects were selected by the “Das kleine Fernsehspiel’ commission and who will be among the last rewarded FIVE .

After winning the vote (which you guys made possible) I had a confident feeling for our project but we couldn’t be sure because our film was a special case concerning the bylaws of the whole online proposal. After a long get-together in which it was possible to catch a glimpse of the other very interesting projects while drinking coffee and eating delicious sweeties (by the way my favourites became ‘Egal was ich tue sie lieben es’ from Romy Steyer @Romy: I am sure you will produce an awesome movie – you have great ingredients. Thumbs up! And also ‘Pixelschatten’ from Anil Kunnel. This film will be extraordinary !). Although everyone had the opportunity to talk to the other filmmakers I had the slight impression that almost no one took the chance (if this isn’t true, then at least I didn’t take the chance.-) . It seemed that everybody was slightly nervous before the great ‘ceremony’. After a group foto and a little more waiting, we got seated in the big presentation hall of the HKW. And then a horrible thing happened: While the director of the HKW was welcoming the audience (I estimate the audience to 300), I realized that my phone was gone. My beloved iphone helping me challenging the contest was gone. I ran out of the hall and started hectically looking for my phone. After 5 minutes a HKW reception employee gave me my phone and told me that it was found at the restroom for women. I thought this was a joke. I was sure not attending the toilette of the opposite sex. And my wife accompanying me didn’t use my phone at all. So this maintains a small mystery. I returned after this mind shocking intermission to my seat and lucky as I was I didn’t miss anyone of the award winners. The hosting was excellent, the DJ even programmed for each winning project an individual ’stage entering’ sound. You could feel the energy in the hall. Das kleine Fernsehspiel presented a kind of ‘and the winner is…”  academy award for kids athomosphere which was very cool, loose and pleasant. One circmstance was very entertaining: They were introducing the third winner and like I mentioned they artificially raised the excitement of the audience in not telling the winning names for a long period of time. But the playback operator of the several winning trailers lost control over his player and the audience was confronted with the next winning entry. So Patrick Doberenz and Philipp Enders of ‘Alice 5.0′ were pretty much relieved I guess .-)

To continue : Although I got a sort of confident, I’ve became nervous not hearing the name of ‘Login 2 Life ‘upon the winning entries. After all five winners were set, we felt like the mood in the hall tilted to – let’s say – a ‘little’ disappointment. But then the moderator announced another price, a so called special price for the user’s favourite one. Claudia Tronnier (chief commissioning editor ‘Das kleine Fernsehspiel’) said the name of our project. I just thought ‘Wow, we get an audience award, before the film is even produced’. I am very glad that this happened. It’s a milestone for the project and I am super happy that from now on the prospects for the production of our film are very good. ‘Das kleine Fernsehspiel’ pushes us towards the realisation like nothing before. Not that we just got one very important funding for our project, no we also got Lucas Schmid. This guy is a very nice comission member who has been working for ‘Das kleine Fernsehspiel’ for more than 11 years. After meeting him for some hours I have the impression he is a great benefit for the further progress of our film.

So this was the climax of the evening. After that we were invited to a tasty dinner.  We prolonged the party in a smoky bar. I can’t remeber what the name was, but I’ll edit it when someone whispers it to me (Romy whispered .-) it was the ‘monarch’ bar). Here I got the oppertunity to chat with some of the other contesters. Maybe alcohol and music loosened our tongues. At 3am I couldn’t fight against my tiredness. Stephanie and me logged off.

We stayed two more wonderful days in Berlin. Thereby I had the chance to meet Juliane (Jaynine Scarborough, who is one of the protagonists of L2L)  for a great ‘Kartoffel Puffer’ lunch at her neighbour’s place (Please tell her that her ‘Puffers’ were superb) and we also met my editor George Cragg who is looking forward to work on ‘Login 2 Life’.  I hope  we can do so in the near future.-)

Finally I come to the end of the blog entry. We wish you guys a happy new year. Be safe and happy in the next days which are supposed to be calm ones but as we know they often turn out differently.


Here the link to the ZDF announcement.

Additional two new pics (I got them from Lucas on the new years eve.-) It shows the winners of the online proposal. The first one shows the winners and the commission editors  (Lucas is standing right next to me on the viewers right. I’m the tall guy with the yellow pullover.-) and so called mentors of the projects. The second one shows just the winners. From left to right: Patrick Doberenz and Philipp Enders, Kaspar von Treeck and Steffen Alberding, Romy Steyer, ‘the lucky yellow me’ Daniel Moshel, Silvia Casalino and last but not least Anil Jacob Kunnel!

Q&A “DM and his phone” Bodybits@ZDF

Thursday, November 19th, 2009 | Backstage, Common, Development | No Comments

YouTube DirectQ&A Video Login 2 Life for Bodybits/ZDF

After doing doc research in US, I returned home and produced over a long weekend this answering clip for the online proposal of the German broadcaster ZDF.  It was shot in the nice coffee house (a train cabin named ‘Empire’ Coffee) in Chico, CA. Thx to the great staff there allowing me to disturb (in public hours) their guests.  We are among the 25 finalists of this Bodybits online proposal. On December, 12th this year we will know if the ‘das kleine Fernsehspiel’ decision makers like our project. For me it is an exciting time. Your previously given votes should convince them (because we finished as #1 in the voting) . Thank you. Meanwhile I hope you can enjoy our new developed phone interface.-) Please send us good vibes and thoughts.

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VOTE FOR US before October 15th

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 | Backstage, Cast, Common, Development, Team | No Comments

FINAL SPURT: We have to mobilize all efforts to win the ZDF voting. Though we are rank one or two, it won’t last without your HELP (because the others try to bring us down).  Not much time left till the voting ends.

Of course I don’t beg you guys without offering you at least something. Here you find our small motivation clip. (@Ensidia: It was great to hang out with you guys on Gamescom 2009. I hope we’ll get another oppertunity.)

It shows some impression of the Gamescom 2009. Ensidia (including Grand Master”Kungen”) was invited to perform some show raids there. If you want to get more insights of Thomas “Kungen” Bengtsson and all other chars featured in the documentary ‘Login 2 Life’ then go and support us in getting all the finances we need to produce this documentary.

Cast your VOTE for ‘Login 2 Life’ till 15th October 09 @ZDF (German Broadcaster. You can look up an English manual on how to vote on Ensidias blog or on our blog here.

YouTube DirectKungen@Gamescom2009


It seems that we are still number one. The final hours of the voting are passing by. The message is still: When you haven’t voted yet then move your a’s and vote! Here I want to link to the communities pushing us at the moment. Thank you so much!

The links are:

Of course there are lot more people to thank but this will fill a whole blogentry. For now go and vote till tomorrow(Thursday) midday (CET). THX!

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Vote for ‘Login 2 Life’ @ ZDF ‘Bodybits’

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009 | Common, Development, Team | 2 Comments

Bodybits” is an online call for proposals by ZDF’s Kleines Fernsehspiel in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin). We are looking for suggestions for documentary films which address our changing views and concepts of the human body in this digital world.

This is one of the most important blogentries of the production history of ‘Login 2 Life’. We entered the before-mentioned online proposal. Since last weekend the Voting started. 5 of the 120 projects will be fully funded ß-) This is the opportunity for us to get the professional means the doc is already waiting for several months.

They offer:

We are giving talented young artists the chance to realize a fully-funded film with editorial support with a duration of 45 to max. 60 minutes. Furthermore, every selected project will receive the support of a mentor who is an expert in the field and will personally accompany the project.

I count on you guys. You who visited our one year old blog regularly. This project went through more than two years of development. Please support our project in voting for us >>>here<<<<

Manual to vote for English speakers

For our English speakers worldwide: I am not sure if your browser will show you a translated version of this isolated ZDF site. So here a small manual how to find and vote for our ‘Login 2 Life’ documentary:

(The workaround describes beneath is not essential anymore because we found out how to jump directly to our project @ the isolated ZDF site.)

After visiting this link, please press the main navigation button ‘bodybits’. Here you you’re going to find the the button ‘Projekte scannen’ (see pic).

Then you’ll encounter this nice navigation:

Crawl through the stack of project cards till you find our nice cartoony thumb. After you enter our ‘Login 2 Life’ documentary you are able to vote. The premise is that you register. They are going to send you a confirmation e-mail with a password to log in (Be sure not two use a browser which suppresses pop ups. you won’t be able to complete registration). Don’t wait log in and give us *****!

After two days of being online there I realized that there are a lot voters who promote their own project and of course like on every other voting in this world, where you able to vote more than once, they try to make the rest of the projects low. I say we don’t have to use this nice means because we are just better and we’ve got plenty of supporters.-) So please go and vote like hell.

Thx in advance, I as the author and director of ‘Login 2 Life’ appreciate your help very much.


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Gamescom is past…

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009 | Backstage, Cast, Common | 3 Comments

…but effects the present .-) On Sunday evening I escaped completely exhausted from the Gamescom exhibition. After one Day of doing nothing (No not nothing: I jumped in a lake and I read my emails). I finally arrived back in the office. Now I am able to present some superb trophies from the great hunt. While the most people were equipped with NCSoft bags and inflatable Conan Swords, I managed to get the following stuff from there:

  • Convention exclusive figure ‘Questgiver Fleet Master Seahorn’
  • Blizzcon exclusive gift ‘Murloc Space Marine’ will be sold on ebay
  • An extraordinary autograph on my mousepad
  • I know already, what I am doing with all this stuff. Fleet Master Seahorn will be a gift for a special buddy who also is going to appear in our documentary but couldn’t attend as far as I know the Blizzcon (20000 guests got one of these there). The ‘Space Marine Murloc’ will be sold on ebay instead of accompanying my Deathknight Obagra on his adventures(/cry). Blizzards’ CEO Mike Morhaine told the audiences that this little nice digital pet is worth more than a small car. I need the money to cover the expenses in Cologne .-) So thanks to Blizzard for making this possible.

    The last and the third thing already decorates my bedroom walls. The mouse pad shows some autographs of the best WoW guild on our lovely Earth named ‘Ensidia’. And yes, there you can read a personal message from the most famous WoW player. But see yourself! By the way,  I don’t take any offers from other Daniels trying to obtain this piece of glamour ß-)

    The reason for my visit in Cologne was to film Ensidias appearance on the Gamescom. The Focus was on Scarab Lord ‘Kungen’ aka Thomas. Here I also made the acquaintance with Hans (liQ), Bernadette (Tjani), Phil (Mek, here a link to his Gamescom blogentry), Markus (Mackzter) and Max (Fenira). Hey, It was great fun working with you guys and also spending the Saturday evening in an amusement arcade (just imagine after being brain washed on the huge Gamescom). Big shout outs also to liQ. Thank you helping me arraning all the appointments and interviews. And thx to all you guys carrying arround my heavy camera stuff, so I could focus on filming you.

    My next Blogentry will show some pics of the Gamescom. Fist of all I have to ingest (the new trendy word for the good old word “capture”) the footage. So don’t hesitate to revisit L2L soon.

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    Gamescom is calling

    Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 | Cast, Common | 1 Comment

    In two days I am heading towards Cologne. Hoping to shoot some awesome footage on the Camescom exhibition. Here some hints concerning the content. A world famous guild is ’showraiding’ there. There are rumors about new MMORPGS coming out soon. So I’ll try to get in touch with the developers and we’ll see if there will be a strong competitor to WOW (maybe an inhouse competitor).

    Need some “sunny side up” weather for shooting. I’ll try to spam some nfo, while I am there. Hopefully I’ll get some time to do so.  If you want to meet, just email me an we arrange something. C’u in Cologne.


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    New One-Pager online. Read our L2L concept.

    Monday, May 25th, 2009 | Backstage, Cast, Common, Development | No Comments


    Please, feel free to download our updated One Pager v2.0! Along the way check out our featured characters and the short summary of our story concept. Feedback very welcome.-)

    Soon we intend to publish a short survey. Come back here and take part in the survey. Thus you can win a premiere ticket for Login2Life for 2010 ß-)

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    Resisting stormy weather

    Thursday, May 14th, 2009 | Backstage, Development, Team | 1 Comment

    ‘I want to go with the one I love’

    I want to go with the one I love.
    I do not want to calculate the cost.
    I do not want to think about whether it’s good.
    I do not want to know whether he loves me.
    I want to go with whom I love.

    by Bertolt Brecht

    No matter what obstacles we faced in the past two years of developing the documentary ‘Login 2 Life’, we managed to overcome every single ditch. I learned that if you want something really hard you’ll get it. But I had to accept that it takes time. More than one might think. I am grateful that I am not alone. I know it sounds over the top but I want to thank my team for showing all that strength and endurance. We can be proud of what we developed. Thank you!
