ZDF LOGIN2LIFE trailer online promoting L2L premiere on the 17th, Oct midnight CEST. It’s the night between Monday and Tuesday .-)

Thursday, October 13th, 2011 | Common, Distribution, Finish | No Comments

ZDf Trailer (just for short time)

We just stumbled upon the fact that Das Kleine Fernsehspiel (ZDF the German broadcast Network) is promoting our film on their site. Usually they are not creating themselves trailers for the Films they are showing but in our case they made an exception because we didn’t have time yet to do so ourselves.-) Thx to Benjamin Gögge (who works for “Das kleine Fernsehspiel”)editing this nice insightful clip.  Check it out because they won’t promote it for a very long time.-)

Additionally today a German radio station interviewed our director Daniel Moshel about his characters  in L2L. If you want to listen to the Q&A conversation between Markus Köbnik and Daniel go here.

Bild 4

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ZDF Press Conference in Munich for LOGIN2LIFE

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 | Common | No Comments

On next Monday 12th September there will be a press conference in Munich concerning our documentary.

100%Leben“, die Dokumentarfilmreihe des Kleinen Fernsehspiels, präsentiert fünf packende, eindringliche Filme von jungen Filmemachern,Den Auftakt bildet am 17. Oktober 2011 “Login 2 Life”. Daniel Moshel begleitet Menschen, denen die virtuelle Welt zur alternativen Heimat geworden ist. Sie erwirtschaften darin ihren Lebensunterhalt, verwirklichen sich selbst oder erleben einfach das, was ihnen in der Realität aufgrund von Krankheit oder Behinderung verwehrt ist: sich bewegen, reisen, Freundschaften pflegen, Sex. Eine der Hauptfiguren ist die an Multipler Sklerose erkrankte Alice B. Krueger aus Denver/Colorado. Als Gründerin der gemeinnützigen Organisation “Virtual Ability” hilft sie anderen gehandicapten Menschen auf neuartige Weise über das Internet.

Wir möchten Ihnen nicht nur die Dokumentarfilmreihe “100%Leben” vorstellen, sondern Ihnen auch die einmalige Möglichkeit geben, sich mit Alice B. Krueger als “Gentle Heron” in einem virtuellen Raum (Second Life) auszutauschen.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zu einem
“halbvirtuellen” Pressegespräch

Montag, 12. September 2011, 18.00 Uhr
PresseClub München (Eingang über “Bistro am Marienplatz”)
Marienplatz 22, 80331 München

Ihre Gesprächspartner, auch für Einzelinterviews, sind Daniel Moshel, Alice B. Krueger, die Leiterin der ZDF-Redaktion Das kleine Fernsehspiel, Claudia Tronnier, sowie Redakteur Lucas Schmidt.

Bitte teilen Sie uns bis spätestens Donnerstag, 8. September 2011, mit, ob Sie den Termin wahrnehmen, …

So if you are press and want to join us in Munich, feel free to go here and register (at latest tomorrow on Thursday the 8th of September). If you want to paticipate next Monday in SL (Gentle Heron will be one of the speakers at 9am SLT) then go and visit the  following SLURL.  See u soon hopefully. BTW: Check out our new FB page here.

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LOGIN2LIFE entering its Second Life Cycle!

Monday, August 29th, 2011 | Backstage, Common, Distribution, Finish | 3 Comments

Hey there everybody! As we’ve already announced in our last blogpost the film is finally finished. Phew and wow and yeah! Sooo much time but hey, we stuck to it and pulled it off…

And now, L2L is entering its next (second) cycle of life – distribution. Currently we’re heading for October 17th as a premiere date on ZDF, Second German Television, probably followed soon by ORF, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation. Also, we submitted L2L to the Doc Leipzig and Sundance Filmfestivals and are tensly awaiting their decisions. Please keep all your real and virtual fingers crossed that we make it into the competition.

Furthermore, we’ve started our planning and schemeing about our possibilities of distributing the film to the rest of the world. Thoughts are flying around about whether we should go theatrical, television, online or direct to DVD marketing – or maybe all together???!!! From reading the comments we’re getting it seems you’re all eager to see the film. So any input you have on how YOU would like to get is appreciated by us. Go ahead and tell it straight to our virtual faces whether you’d prefer to go to a ‘cinema near you’ or rather be a couch potatoe and just watch it on your TV-sets or computer screens. We will try our best and utmost to deliver it any way you like it. In case you yourself have means of distribution, online or RL platforms to those means, or whatever else you believe could be helpful – just go right ahead and drop us a line…

Thanks for the support so far and keep coming back as we’ll keep you posted on the latest progress…

Best regards from all of the team! Stay tuned…

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Q&A “DM and his phone” Bodybits@ZDF

Thursday, November 19th, 2009 | Backstage, Common, Development | No Comments

YouTube DirectQ&A Video Login 2 Life for Bodybits/ZDF

After doing doc research in US, I returned home and produced over a long weekend this answering clip for the online proposal of the German broadcaster ZDF.  It was shot in the nice coffee house (a train cabin named ‘Empire’ Coffee) in Chico, CA. Thx to the great staff there allowing me to disturb (in public hours) their guests.  We are among the 25 finalists of this Bodybits online proposal. On December, 12th this year we will know if the ‘das kleine Fernsehspiel’ decision makers like our project. For me it is an exciting time. Your previously given votes should convince them (because we finished as #1 in the voting) . Thank you. Meanwhile I hope you can enjoy our new developed phone interface.-) Please send us good vibes and thoughts.

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We did it! No. – YOU DID IT!

Friday, October 16th, 2009 | Backstage, Common, Development | No Comments


Thanks to your votes, Login 2 Life has made it into the final round of the Bodybits contest by ZDF. Daniel and the entire Team would like to express our thanx – you rocked our boat. What the communities just achieved is proof of concept of just that – that there is a huge community out there, ready, willing and able to share for a common cause. Sounds over the top? Nope. Virtuality just created reality and not the other way round…

Thanx again to everyone who voted for us – we’ll keep you up to date on the project’s progress and release.

Best, your Login 2 Life Team.

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VOTE FOR US before October 15th

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009 | Backstage, Cast, Common, Development, Team | No Comments

FINAL SPURT: We have to mobilize all efforts to win the ZDF voting. Though we are rank one or two, it won’t last without your HELP (because the others try to bring us down).  Not much time left till the voting ends.

Of course I don’t beg you guys without offering you at least something. Here you find our small motivation clip. (@Ensidia: It was great to hang out with you guys on Gamescom 2009. I hope we’ll get another oppertunity.)

It shows some impression of the Gamescom 2009. Ensidia (including Grand Master”Kungen”) was invited to perform some show raids there. If you want to get more insights of Thomas “Kungen” Bengtsson and all other chars featured in the documentary ‘Login 2 Life’ then go and support us in getting all the finances we need to produce this documentary.

Cast your VOTE for ‘Login 2 Life’ till 15th October 09 @ZDF (German Broadcaster. You can look up an English manual on how to vote on Ensidias blog or on our blog here.

YouTube DirectKungen@Gamescom2009


It seems that we are still number one. The final hours of the voting are passing by. The message is still: When you haven’t voted yet then move your a’s and vote! Here I want to link to the communities pushing us at the moment. Thank you so much!

The links are:

Of course there are lot more people to thank but this will fill a whole blogentry. For now go and vote till tomorrow(Thursday) midday (CET). THX!

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Vote for ‘Login 2 Life’ @ ZDF ‘Bodybits’

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009 | Common, Development, Team | 2 Comments

Bodybits” is an online call for proposals by ZDF’s Kleines Fernsehspiel in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin). We are looking for suggestions for documentary films which address our changing views and concepts of the human body in this digital world.

This is one of the most important blogentries of the production history of ‘Login 2 Life’. We entered the before-mentioned online proposal. Since last weekend the Voting started. 5 of the 120 projects will be fully funded ß-) This is the opportunity for us to get the professional means the doc is already waiting for several months.

They offer:

We are giving talented young artists the chance to realize a fully-funded film with editorial support with a duration of 45 to max. 60 minutes. Furthermore, every selected project will receive the support of a mentor who is an expert in the field and will personally accompany the project.

I count on you guys. You who visited our one year old blog regularly. This project went through more than two years of development. Please support our project in voting for us >>>here<<<<

Manual to vote for English speakers

For our English speakers worldwide: I am not sure if your browser will show you a translated version of this isolated ZDF site. So here a small manual how to find and vote for our ‘Login 2 Life’ documentary:

(The workaround describes beneath is not essential anymore because we found out how to jump directly to our project @ the isolated ZDF site.)

After visiting this link, please press the main navigation button ‘bodybits’. Here you you’re going to find the the button ‘Projekte scannen’ (see pic).

Then you’ll encounter this nice navigation:

Crawl through the stack of project cards till you find our nice cartoony thumb. After you enter our ‘Login 2 Life’ documentary you are able to vote. The premise is that you register. They are going to send you a confirmation e-mail with a password to log in (Be sure not two use a browser which suppresses pop ups. you won’t be able to complete registration). Don’t wait log in and give us *****!

After two days of being online there I realized that there are a lot voters who promote their own project and of course like on every other voting in this world, where you able to vote more than once, they try to make the rest of the projects low. I say we don’t have to use this nice means because we are just better and we’ve got plenty of supporters.-) So please go and vote like hell.

Thx in advance, I as the author and director of ‘Login 2 Life’ appreciate your help very much.


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