
Vote for ‘Login 2 Life’ @ ZDF ‘Bodybits’

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009 | Common, Development, Team | 2 Comments

Bodybits” is an online call for proposals by ZDF’s Kleines Fernsehspiel in cooperation with Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Berlin). We are looking for suggestions for documentary films which address our changing views and concepts of the human body in this digital world.

This is one of the most important blogentries of the production history of ‘Login 2 Life’. We entered the before-mentioned online proposal. Since last weekend the Voting started. 5 of the 120 projects will be fully funded ß-) This is the opportunity for us to get the professional means the doc is already waiting for several months.

They offer:

We are giving talented young artists the chance to realize a fully-funded film with editorial support with a duration of 45 to max. 60 minutes. Furthermore, every selected project will receive the support of a mentor who is an expert in the field and will personally accompany the project.

I count on you guys. You who visited our one year old blog regularly. This project went through more than two years of development. Please support our project in voting for us >>>here<<<<

Manual to vote for English speakers

For our English speakers worldwide: I am not sure if your browser will show you a translated version of this isolated ZDF site. So here a small manual how to find and vote for our ‘Login 2 Life’ documentary:

(The workaround describes beneath is not essential anymore because we found out how to jump directly to our project @ the isolated ZDF site.)

After visiting this link, please press the main navigation button ‘bodybits’. Here you you’re going to find the the button ‘Projekte scannen’ (see pic).

Then you’ll encounter this nice navigation:

Crawl through the stack of project cards till you find our nice cartoony thumb. After you enter our ‘Login 2 Life’ documentary you are able to vote. The premise is that you register. They are going to send you a confirmation e-mail with a password to log in (Be sure not two use a browser which suppresses pop ups. you won’t be able to complete registration). Don’t wait log in and give us *****!

After two days of being online there I realized that there are a lot voters who promote their own project and of course like on every other voting in this world, where you able to vote more than once, they try to make the rest of the projects low. I say we don’t have to use this nice means because we are just better and we’ve got plenty of supporters.-) So please go and vote like hell.

Thx in advance, I as the author and director of ‘Login 2 Life’ appreciate your help very much.


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