
LOGIN2LIFE live show on ON3-Südwild

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 | Backstage, Common, Finish, Team | No Comments

On October, 21st Daniel was invited to join the German ON3 Südwild live Show in Graz, Austria. The moderators Andi Poll and Elisabeth Scharang q&a’ing our director about the Film.  The show features outtakes of the film and even a short live interview with our main doc char Gentle Heron.

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TAZ Interview with Alice Krueger

Monday, October 17th, 2011 | Common | No Comments

Fresh. The TAZ interview with our main subject Gentle Heron. Go Here!

Menschen mit Behinderung können im Second Life all das tun, was ihnen im wirklichen Leben verwehrt bleibt. Alice Krueger hilft ihnen, sich in der virtuellen Realität zurechtzufinden.

Eingeloggt ins Leben
Menschen mit Behinderung können im Second Life all das tun, was ihnen im wirklichen Leben verwehrt bleibt. Alice Krueger hilft ihnen, sich in der virtuellen Realität zurechtzufinden.
VON MARLENE HALSEMenschen mit Behinderung können im Second Life all das tun, was ihnen im wirklichen Leben verwehrt bleibt. Alice Krueger hilft ihnen, sich in der virtuellen Realität zurechtzufinden

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ZDF LOGIN2LIFE trailer online promoting L2L premiere on the 17th, Oct midnight CEST. It’s the night between Monday and Tuesday .-)

Thursday, October 13th, 2011 | Common, Distribution, Finish | No Comments

ZDf Trailer (just for short time)

We just stumbled upon the fact that Das Kleine Fernsehspiel (ZDF the German broadcast Network) is promoting our film on their site. Usually they are not creating themselves trailers for the Films they are showing but in our case they made an exception because we didn’t have time yet to do so ourselves.-) Thx to Benjamin Gögge (who works for “Das kleine Fernsehspiel”)editing this nice insightful clip.  Check it out because they won’t promote it for a very long time.-)

Additionally today a German radio station interviewed our director Daniel Moshel about his characters  in L2L. If you want to listen to the Q&A conversation between Markus Köbnik and Daniel go here.

Bild 4

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Reviews incoming

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 | Common, Distribution, Finish | No Comments

Like you hopefully know Login2Life will be screened the first time on Oct 17th Midnight CEST on the German ZDF channel. Beforehand we are glad to see that specialiced press is enjoying L2L. Here one excerpt from Rik Panganiban (

…Most importantly, the director Daniel Moshel refrained from portraying his subjects as freaks or clowns for the audience to laugh at.  Instead, he unpacks their motivations and desires in a way that pulls you into their story.  Watching a disabled man fighting in World of Warcraft with just his mouth, you can’t help but be thrilled when he bests his opponent and then taunts the other player about how he was “pwned by a cripple.”  Clearly Moshel has an affection for his subjects that comes through as he lets them tell their stories. …

What follows is a review from Tobias Heidemann for the gaming related site

… „LOGIN2LIFE“ verfolgt einen erfrischend unvoreingenommen Ansatz. Anders als vergleichbare Dokumentionen geht es Moshel nicht so sehr um die Konflikte, Widersprüche oder Grenzen zwischen Realität und virtueller Realität – „Login 2 Life“ stellt diese zwei Existenzen hingegen als eine einzige dar. Am Beispiel der portraitierten Menschen gelingt es Moshel die Mauer, die in manchen Köpfen noch immer existiert, einzureißen und das Leben in der digitalen Welt als ein sehr reales Geflecht aus Selbstverwirklichung, Phantasie und Wirtschaft darzustellen. …

Looking forward to post some more reviews here.-)

Press Conference Munich

Monday, September 26th, 2011 | Common | No Comments

Having finished a movie seems like the end of a long road, but hell no it isn’t! Now is, when the work of promoting and distributing happens (also see our previous post). Hence, Monday September 12th, ZDF held a press conference to present their new shows for the ‘100% Leben’/'100% Life’ series, which Login 2 Life will open. Accordingly, we set up our servers and planned to be hosting Gentle Heron live via SL during the press conference. Claudia Tronnier, Lucas Schmidt, Christian Koch and Alexandra Brandmeier of ZDF were there in person together with director Daniel Moshel, Gentle was joined by Jaynine Scarborough, Draxtor Despres and almost 50 more online.

Much to our surprise, after showcasing a few minutes of the film, the questions of the journalists present on location quickly turned to very general remarks about virtual worlds and living. For some reason or other, they seemed more interested in the topics of the 2007 hype, than in those presented by the film. Addiction was mentioned as well as sensory comparisons between real and virtual life. Quickly a discussion seemed to flare up between those taking part in the real world and those in virtuality. Our podium could do little to answer such general issues but laboured to provide the visting press with all information they would want to know.

To us it felt strange being drawn into a discussion which is either too general or too specific in regards to our film, yet we are happy that the overall impression of Login 2 Life seemed to have been a positive one. We’re looking forward to October 17th when the film will go on air for the first time in German Television. Until then, we’ll keep you posted…

ZDF Press Conference in Munich for LOGIN2LIFE

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 | Common | No Comments

On next Monday 12th September there will be a press conference in Munich concerning our documentary.

100%Leben“, die Dokumentarfilmreihe des Kleinen Fernsehspiels, präsentiert fünf packende, eindringliche Filme von jungen Filmemachern,Den Auftakt bildet am 17. Oktober 2011 “Login 2 Life”. Daniel Moshel begleitet Menschen, denen die virtuelle Welt zur alternativen Heimat geworden ist. Sie erwirtschaften darin ihren Lebensunterhalt, verwirklichen sich selbst oder erleben einfach das, was ihnen in der Realität aufgrund von Krankheit oder Behinderung verwehrt ist: sich bewegen, reisen, Freundschaften pflegen, Sex. Eine der Hauptfiguren ist die an Multipler Sklerose erkrankte Alice B. Krueger aus Denver/Colorado. Als Gründerin der gemeinnützigen Organisation “Virtual Ability” hilft sie anderen gehandicapten Menschen auf neuartige Weise über das Internet.

Wir möchten Ihnen nicht nur die Dokumentarfilmreihe “100%Leben” vorstellen, sondern Ihnen auch die einmalige Möglichkeit geben, sich mit Alice B. Krueger als “Gentle Heron” in einem virtuellen Raum (Second Life) auszutauschen.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zu einem
“halbvirtuellen” Pressegespräch

Montag, 12. September 2011, 18.00 Uhr
PresseClub München (Eingang über “Bistro am Marienplatz”)
Marienplatz 22, 80331 München

Ihre Gesprächspartner, auch für Einzelinterviews, sind Daniel Moshel, Alice B. Krueger, die Leiterin der ZDF-Redaktion Das kleine Fernsehspiel, Claudia Tronnier, sowie Redakteur Lucas Schmidt.

Bitte teilen Sie uns bis spätestens Donnerstag, 8. September 2011, mit, ob Sie den Termin wahrnehmen, …

So if you are press and want to join us in Munich, feel free to go here and register (at latest tomorrow on Thursday the 8th of September). If you want to paticipate next Monday in SL (Gentle Heron will be one of the speakers at 9am SLT) then go and visit the  following SLURL.  See u soon hopefully. BTW: Check out our new FB page here.

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LOGIN2LIFE entering its Second Life Cycle!

Monday, August 29th, 2011 | Backstage, Common, Distribution, Finish | 3 Comments

Hey there everybody! As we’ve already announced in our last blogpost the film is finally finished. Phew and wow and yeah! Sooo much time but hey, we stuck to it and pulled it off…

And now, L2L is entering its next (second) cycle of life – distribution. Currently we’re heading for October 17th as a premiere date on ZDF, Second German Television, probably followed soon by ORF, the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation. Also, we submitted L2L to the Doc Leipzig and Sundance Filmfestivals and are tensly awaiting their decisions. Please keep all your real and virtual fingers crossed that we make it into the competition.

Furthermore, we’ve started our planning and schemeing about our possibilities of distributing the film to the rest of the world. Thoughts are flying around about whether we should go theatrical, television, online or direct to DVD marketing – or maybe all together???!!! From reading the comments we’re getting it seems you’re all eager to see the film. So any input you have on how YOU would like to get is appreciated by us. Go ahead and tell it straight to our virtual faces whether you’d prefer to go to a ‘cinema near you’ or rather be a couch potatoe and just watch it on your TV-sets or computer screens. We will try our best and utmost to deliver it any way you like it. In case you yourself have means of distribution, online or RL platforms to those means, or whatever else you believe could be helpful – just go right ahead and drop us a line…

Thanks for the support so far and keep coming back as we’ll keep you posted on the latest progress…

Best regards from all of the team! Stay tuned…

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Friday, July 29th, 2011 | Backstage, Common, Finish | 4 Comments


Guess what?

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Alice Krueger Berlin March 2011 presentation

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 | Backstage, Cast, Common | 1 Comment

Last March we were very happy to welcome Alice Krueger to the HKW in Berlin. She was invited to give a speech about “People with Disabilities in Virtual Worlds”. In the same time she spoke (in the framework of the ZDF ‘Bodybits’ project call) for our documentary Login2Life in which she is taking part as the main character (out of seven). You can download the mp3 of her presentation here. A short summary taken from the HKW website:

(in English language)
TUE 29.03.2011 | 19:00 h | Admission: Day ticket 5 €/3 €
Virtual worlds are becoming increasingly popular. Many features of virtual worlds mirror what is called the “real world”. Which features of virtual worlds are virtual?
People with real-world disabilities are able to access virtual worlds, sometimes using assistive technology to do so. Second Life is a virtual world where people with many different kinds of disabilities find real benefits, including medical, learning and social benefits. The Virtual Ability community in Second Life helps people using assistive technology become successful in that virtual world.
Daniel Moshel’s film highlights some of the benefits to people with disabilities of being in a virtual world. The film contrasts the lives of people when they are inside and outside the virtual world.
Alice B. Krueger is presently fully disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis. She is President of Virtual Ability, Inc., which is a small nonprofit charitable corporation. The purpose of Virtual Ability, Inc. is to support the work of the Virtual Ability community in virtual worlds such as Second Life. Prior to becoming disabled, Alice Krueger was an education researcher. She is a published author and editor in the field of science education.

People with real-world disabilities are able to access virtual worlds, sometimes using assistive technology to do so. Second Life is a virtual world where people with many different kinds of disabilities find real benefits, including medical, learning and social benefits. The Virtual Ability community in Second Life helps people using assistive technology become successful in that virtual world.
Daniel Moshel’s film highlights some of the benefits to people with disabilities of being in a virtual world. The film contrasts the lives of people when they are inside and outside the virtual world.

Alice B. Krueger is presently fully disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis. She is President of Virtual Ability, Inc., which is a small nonprofit charitable corporation. The purpose of Virtual Ability, Inc. is to support the work of the Virtual Ability community in virtual worlds such as Second Life. Prior to becoming disabled, Alice Krueger was an education researcher. She is a published author and editor in the field of science education.

The whole presentation took place in the same time at  the auditorium of Virtual Abuility Island in Second Life. Thus an international audience was able to follow her presentation and  got the chance later to participate  in the Q&A. The live audience in Berlin was pretty amazed when Alice zoomed out  from the big projected powerpoint screen in Second Life revealing all the other digital participants. That is why we decided to publish her really interesting speech here. I hope you enjoy it. Please seed .-)

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Strong International Machinima Team

Monday, May 9th, 2011 | Common | 3 Comments

While L2L is edited – we are in the rough cut phase- the awesome Machinima team is working 24/7 on the inworld wow/sl clips. I am proud to say that on the World of Warcraft side we have three great machinimators in charge. Of course you should already know the French Olibith who is already part of our documentary. Then the Finish Baron Soosdoon joined the team. And last but not least Kilh (Daniel Ritthanondh )the German machinimator enhances the WoW side.

In SL I can proudly present the German Californian Draxtor Despres (Bernhard Drax) and his talented colleague Gianna Borgnine from the East Coast. So we try all our best to accerlate the storytelling in L2L. With this team we manover towards the end of production of our documentary. Less than two month to go. GOGOGOGOGOGO…..

Olibith is kicking his own ass

Draxtor’s ‘what am I doing right now’ video

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