gentle Heron

LOGIN2LIFE live show on ON3-Südwild

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 | Backstage, Common, Finish, Team | No Comments

On October, 21st Daniel was invited to join the German ON3 Südwild live Show in Graz, Austria. The moderators Andi Poll and Elisabeth Scharang q&a’ing our director about the Film.  The show features outtakes of the film and even a short live interview with our main doc char Gentle Heron.

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TAZ Interview with Alice Krueger

Monday, October 17th, 2011 | Common | No Comments

Fresh. The TAZ interview with our main subject Gentle Heron. Go Here!

Menschen mit Behinderung können im Second Life all das tun, was ihnen im wirklichen Leben verwehrt bleibt. Alice Krueger hilft ihnen, sich in der virtuellen Realität zurechtzufinden.

Eingeloggt ins Leben
Menschen mit Behinderung können im Second Life all das tun, was ihnen im wirklichen Leben verwehrt bleibt. Alice Krueger hilft ihnen, sich in der virtuellen Realität zurechtzufinden.
VON MARLENE HALSEMenschen mit Behinderung können im Second Life all das tun, was ihnen im wirklichen Leben verwehrt bleibt. Alice Krueger hilft ihnen, sich in der virtuellen Realität zurechtzufinden

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ZDF Press Conference in Munich for LOGIN2LIFE

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 | Common | No Comments

On next Monday 12th September there will be a press conference in Munich concerning our documentary.

100%Leben“, die Dokumentarfilmreihe des Kleinen Fernsehspiels, präsentiert fünf packende, eindringliche Filme von jungen Filmemachern,Den Auftakt bildet am 17. Oktober 2011 “Login 2 Life”. Daniel Moshel begleitet Menschen, denen die virtuelle Welt zur alternativen Heimat geworden ist. Sie erwirtschaften darin ihren Lebensunterhalt, verwirklichen sich selbst oder erleben einfach das, was ihnen in der Realität aufgrund von Krankheit oder Behinderung verwehrt ist: sich bewegen, reisen, Freundschaften pflegen, Sex. Eine der Hauptfiguren ist die an Multipler Sklerose erkrankte Alice B. Krueger aus Denver/Colorado. Als Gründerin der gemeinnützigen Organisation “Virtual Ability” hilft sie anderen gehandicapten Menschen auf neuartige Weise über das Internet.

Wir möchten Ihnen nicht nur die Dokumentarfilmreihe “100%Leben” vorstellen, sondern Ihnen auch die einmalige Möglichkeit geben, sich mit Alice B. Krueger als “Gentle Heron” in einem virtuellen Raum (Second Life) auszutauschen.

Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zu einem
“halbvirtuellen” Pressegespräch

Montag, 12. September 2011, 18.00 Uhr
PresseClub München (Eingang über “Bistro am Marienplatz”)
Marienplatz 22, 80331 München

Ihre Gesprächspartner, auch für Einzelinterviews, sind Daniel Moshel, Alice B. Krueger, die Leiterin der ZDF-Redaktion Das kleine Fernsehspiel, Claudia Tronnier, sowie Redakteur Lucas Schmidt.

Bitte teilen Sie uns bis spätestens Donnerstag, 8. September 2011, mit, ob Sie den Termin wahrnehmen, …

So if you are press and want to join us in Munich, feel free to go here and register (at latest tomorrow on Thursday the 8th of September). If you want to paticipate next Monday in SL (Gentle Heron will be one of the speakers at 9am SLT) then go and visit the  following SLURL.  See u soon hopefully. BTW: Check out our new FB page here.

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Alice Krueger Berlin March 2011 presentation

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011 | Backstage, Cast, Common | 1 Comment

Last March we were very happy to welcome Alice Krueger to the HKW in Berlin. She was invited to give a speech about “People with Disabilities in Virtual Worlds”. In the same time she spoke (in the framework of the ZDF ‘Bodybits’ project call) for our documentary Login2Life in which she is taking part as the main character (out of seven). You can download the mp3 of her presentation here. A short summary taken from the HKW website:

(in English language)
TUE 29.03.2011 | 19:00 h | Admission: Day ticket 5 €/3 €
Virtual worlds are becoming increasingly popular. Many features of virtual worlds mirror what is called the “real world”. Which features of virtual worlds are virtual?
People with real-world disabilities are able to access virtual worlds, sometimes using assistive technology to do so. Second Life is a virtual world where people with many different kinds of disabilities find real benefits, including medical, learning and social benefits. The Virtual Ability community in Second Life helps people using assistive technology become successful in that virtual world.
Daniel Moshel’s film highlights some of the benefits to people with disabilities of being in a virtual world. The film contrasts the lives of people when they are inside and outside the virtual world.
Alice B. Krueger is presently fully disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis. She is President of Virtual Ability, Inc., which is a small nonprofit charitable corporation. The purpose of Virtual Ability, Inc. is to support the work of the Virtual Ability community in virtual worlds such as Second Life. Prior to becoming disabled, Alice Krueger was an education researcher. She is a published author and editor in the field of science education.

People with real-world disabilities are able to access virtual worlds, sometimes using assistive technology to do so. Second Life is a virtual world where people with many different kinds of disabilities find real benefits, including medical, learning and social benefits. The Virtual Ability community in Second Life helps people using assistive technology become successful in that virtual world.
Daniel Moshel’s film highlights some of the benefits to people with disabilities of being in a virtual world. The film contrasts the lives of people when they are inside and outside the virtual world.

Alice B. Krueger is presently fully disabled due to Multiple Sclerosis. She is President of Virtual Ability, Inc., which is a small nonprofit charitable corporation. The purpose of Virtual Ability, Inc. is to support the work of the Virtual Ability community in virtual worlds such as Second Life. Prior to becoming disabled, Alice Krueger was an education researcher. She is a published author and editor in the field of science education.

The whole presentation took place in the same time at  the auditorium of Virtual Abuility Island in Second Life. Thus an international audience was able to follow her presentation and  got the chance later to participate  in the Q&A. The live audience in Berlin was pretty amazed when Alice zoomed out  from the big projected powerpoint screen in Second Life revealing all the other digital participants. That is why we decided to publish her really interesting speech here. I hope you enjoy it. Please seed .-)

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