Reviews incoming

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011 | Common, Distribution, Finish

Like you hopefully know Login2Life will be screened the first time on Oct 17th Midnight CEST on the German ZDF channel. Beforehand we are glad to see that specialiced press is enjoying L2L. Here one excerpt from Rik Panganiban (

…Most importantly, the director Daniel Moshel refrained from portraying his subjects as freaks or clowns for the audience to laugh at.  Instead, he unpacks their motivations and desires in a way that pulls you into their story.  Watching a disabled man fighting in World of Warcraft with just his mouth, you can’t help but be thrilled when he bests his opponent and then taunts the other player about how he was “pwned by a cripple.”  Clearly Moshel has an affection for his subjects that comes through as he lets them tell their stories. …

What follows is a review from Tobias Heidemann for the gaming related site

… „LOGIN2LIFE“ verfolgt einen erfrischend unvoreingenommen Ansatz. Anders als vergleichbare Dokumentionen geht es Moshel nicht so sehr um die Konflikte, Widersprüche oder Grenzen zwischen Realität und virtueller Realität – „Login 2 Life“ stellt diese zwei Existenzen hingegen als eine einzige dar. Am Beispiel der portraitierten Menschen gelingt es Moshel die Mauer, die in manchen Köpfen noch immer existiert, einzureißen und das Leben in der digitalen Welt als ein sehr reales Geflecht aus Selbstverwirklichung, Phantasie und Wirtschaft darzustellen. …

Looking forward to post some more reviews here.-)

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