SLim text/voice chat is out & i am using it!

Saturday, November 1st, 2008 | Common

SL residents do like to complain a lot and there is legitimately a lot to complain about: the recent price hike for open space sims being just the latest badly communicated move by Linden Lab. But I wanted to write a quick praise for the new SLim client, a text/voice chat app, SL minus the immersion so to speak. Now why would we want that? Are we not going in-world to immerse ourselves in a all encompassing 3D environment? Yes of course, but what happens, if friends and/or business partners are waiting for you at a conference or a panel discussion and you are stuck in traffic, on the train or at the office? Currently SLim is only a desktop app, but i see a mobile phone app coming soon and with it i can engage with my SL companions even if i my machine can’t sustain the full client running (with all the other apps in the background sometimes the MacBook Pro sounds like a lawnmower). yes, i for one, want to be able to quickly chat, give my two cents or exchange links with my SL friends WHILE i am working on a mix in Pro Tools, an edit in Final Cut, both apps that take huge resources, not a good idea to run SL as well. The future will hold the ability (as stated by LL) to call into SL from a cell phone, call someone from within SL to a regular phone etc. How is this relevant for our project? i think the merging of virtual and real by bridging the communication gap is a very good thing. The protagonists of our film see the virtual world, broadly speaking, as an extension of their own selves, not as two separate things. While they all have different goals with their projects in SL or WoW (or any other world for that matter), they will benefit from a blurring of the lines. A successful virtual platform needs to reflect a world, where humans, while still fully in control of technology, interact with it more seamlessly. Any move to ease transition from one world to the other is a welcomed improvement.

So complainers: please download the first look client NOW, download SLim NOW & start embracing the interconnectivity that is just starting and is VITAL for the future of Second Life in the virtual worlds race :)

as of today a measly 2 friends are on my list who have SLim. sad…..



my online friends in SLim, the ones with the box have SLim too

my online friends in SLim, the ones with the box have SLim too


1 Comment to SLim text/voice chat is out & i am using it!

Wren Metall
10. February 2009

I have been trying to use the SLim client all day and can’t get it to sync to my friends list. There is no support community for this device, and I was hoping for some advice? I have the Firstlook viewer but I have never used voicechat before.

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