Corey in da house!!!

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 | Cast

I gave a little tour to Corey, our new main protagonist for L2L yesterday. A tour of Second Life. While familiar and actually pretty darn high up in the WoW community, Corey is a relative newbie in SL. He has been in there exploring a few times and met already a lot of what I call “key residents” (=movers and shakers), but it was incredibly exciting for me to see his virtual eyes light up, when he realized, that this world is, as Linden Lab has advertised for years, “created BY ITS RESIDENTS”.

at al andalus studios

at al andalus studios

I realized that people on the outside, familiar with video games and MMO’s, often times do not know, that SL is nothing but a blank canvas. Only the creative energy of its residents has brought to life this world, no matter if it is a replica of the Cologne Dome, US Capitol Hill or the Magic of Oz sim. Corey, who is left paralyzed after a terrible car accident 6 years ago,  was ecstatic to say the least . When I rezzed a wooden cube, he said: “wow, this is like they have a CAD design software built into this thing”!

Welcome Corey, looking forward to working with you on this project. Our short trip brought us from the Berkman sandbox, to virtual Paris and over to Adam Ramonas interactive sound sculptures. Corey then ventured into a furry club with his new friend Teeny, a DJ there.

Furry Club

Furry Club

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1 Comment to Corey in da house!!!

29. January 2009

well I’ll be darned – good news :-)
Welcome on board, Corey!

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